Edgerater Data

This is the place to discuss EdgeRater Chart Script

Moderator: Chris White

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Posts: 62
Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:03 am

Edgerater Data

Post by nibor200 »


Your blog about the new Edgerater data service advertises "8000+ publicly traded US equities" but you don't indicate what those 8,000+ symbols are nor have you provided a symbol list of the entire data set of symbols.

Where are we to find a list/symbol list of all 8000+ symbols?

Ed S.
Chris White
Posts: 212
Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:21 pm

Re: Edgerater Data

Post by Chris White »

I'm attaching two symbol lists:
Included_symbols.csv contains the symbols in the EdgeRater data
excluded_symbols.csv contains the symbols that were explicitly excluded and do not appear in the data
edgerater symbols.zip
(106.38 KiB) Downloaded 1292 times
The total number of symbols in the available symbol universe is 8749.
The total number of included symbols is 6757

The main reason for not including everything in the master database is that it takes extra time to download, update and access. Also would take extra disk space on your PC. The included symbols are compiled based on likelihood that someone would actually be interested or want to trade that symbol. For instance, excluded multiple series of certain depository shares such as:

AFSI.P.A AmTrust Financial Services Inc. Preferred Series A
AFSI.P.B AmTrust Financial Services Inc. Depository Shares Series B
AFSI.P.C AmTrust Financial Services Inc. Depository Shares Series C
AFSI.P.D AmTrust Financial Services Inc. Depositary Shares Series D
AFSI.P.E AmTrust Financial Services Inc. Depositary Shares Series E
AFSI.P.F AmTrust Financial Services Inc. Depositary Shares Series F

If there is something in the excluded list that you would like to see included please let me know and it can be done. Please state the reason for including it too because I have to weigh the extra overhead and performance impact against the applicability for majority of users.
Posts: 62
Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:03 am

Re: Edgerater Data

Post by nibor200 »

These lists will be a big help.

Are you putting them on your shared website also?

Ed s.
Chris White
Posts: 212
Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:21 pm

Re: Edgerater Data

Post by Chris White »

I've added the 'included symbols' list to the shared folder. It is renamed: usa-eod.csv
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