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MyScripts, MyLayouts, and MyTemplates

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:52 pm
by henry1224
This message is for Chris White.
Is there a way to backup my code? What should I backup in edgerater?
Is there a way to export my indicators? Is there a limit to the number of indicators in Edgerater?



Re: MyScripts, MyLayouts, and MyTemplates

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:34 pm
by Chris White
You can backup your scripts by saving the following directory:
{Documents}\EdgeRater\Chart Scripts
That will copy everything including the system scripts, in reality you only need the 'MyScripts' files from that folder and sub folders.

To restore that backup, just copy the backed up folder on top of your current
{Documents}\EdgeRater\Chart Scripts folder

To backup Chart Layouts, just save the following folder:
{Documents}\EdgeRater\Configuration\Chart Layouts

Any personal templates that you create are located in the

Folder and so just copy those files to a safe place for backup.

Perhaps the easiest way to ensure you have a backup of everything is to just save the following folder and all child folders: